
Get Ready With Me - Typical School Day

               A few years ago, I really started getting into any and all types of beauty videos. There was always something so fasci...

               A few years ago, I really started getting into any and all types of beauty videos. There was always something so fascinating about watching someone get ready for their work day or a special event. Getting ready in the morning, everything from applying my makeup to picking an outfit to driving to whatever the event is always made me excited to get there. So today, I wanted to share a “Get Ready With Me” video for you all!

               The makeup I use in this video is very simple. In fact, it’s pretty much the exact same makeup look I use in my "Everyday Makeup Routine" video and I use almost all of the exact same products. The look that I’m wearing in this video is exactly the look I wear pretty much every day to class unless I have a presentation or something fancy schmancy like that. It’s a look that’s very easy to change up if you so choose. I hope you all enjoy this week’s video and be sure to comment down below or follow any of my social media links with any questions, comments and/or concerns. And as always, thanks for watching! 

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